Our founder, Nilsa Delgado, has rescued countless dogs in Puerto Rico since 2015. Our co-founder, Nydia Ramos, watched her in amazement via social media and, while on vacation in Puerto Rico in 2018, decided to pay her a visit to deliver a donation in person. That visit turned into a rescue mission to save 7 puppies and ended back at Nilsa’s house where she helped Nilsa care for the dozens of dogs she had at home. It was an eye-opening experience that left Nydia in awe of Nilsa’s efforts and with the realization that Nilsa was doing much more than we could ever witness on social media.
Nydia spent the rest of her vacation going back to Nilsa’s house daily and ended up travelling back to NY with the 7 puppies they had rescued during her visit. All 7 were adopted and the adoption fees were all sent back to Nilsa along with a commitment to get her incorporated as a non-profit. Along the way, several other incredible women joined the efforts and helped form what the LOAD family is today. They were all followers of hers at one point and now stand beside her in her mission to save, rehabilitate, and rehome the Satos of Puerto Rico and to hopefully put an end to the overpopulation of strays on the island.
We believe that every dog has a family out there just waiting for them to arrive. Our goal is to help make that connection. In the meantime, we will see to it that every dog we come across will never feel hungry, scared, or lonely again.